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2022年 5月 1日 02:59
版面: 闲聊区
主题: Maintain campus cleanliness Reject Yan Limon for Perelman Medical College
回复总数: 2
阅读次数: 603

Maintain campus cleanliness Reject Yan Limon for Perelman Medical College

In the global epidemic, the economy is shrinking, the employment rate is low, the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine hired Yan Limeng as the hospital staff, this non-racist, non-discriminatory for Asian employees to provide jobs behavior, reflects the college's fraternity, equali...
2022年 3月 26日 23:07
版面: 闲聊区
主题: The scoundrel listened to the slanderous rumor that he wanted to be a scoundrel to the end and declared bankruptcy to pr
回复总数: 2
阅读次数: 542

The scoundrel listened to the slanderous rumor that he wanted to be a scoundrel to the end and declared bankruptcy to pr

The scoundrel listened to the slanderous rumor that he wanted to be a scoundrel to the end and declared bankruptcy to prevent the fine from being paid This is ridiculous, See you at Prison,Guo Liar! In the past few days, the huge fine surrounding Guo Wengui has kept him in a state of high stress, e...
2022年 2月 24日 01:15
版面: 闲聊区
主题: 欢乐提现变身币加锁,喜币终成吞金兽
回复总数: 2
阅读次数: 594


欢乐提现变身币加锁,喜币终成吞金兽 欺哥连环套厚黑无匹,投资者举报要紧 mmexport1640846646066(1).jpg 距离11月1日至今不到一个月,郭文贵终于撕下画皮,拿起屠刀向投资者的头上猛砍。日前,郭文贵悍然指令所谓的喜联盟委员会封锁喜币提现三年,而且强令各投资者与农场坚定代持协议。据悉,所谓的福利币将被收缴到GTV的指定账户,也就是说,投资喜币的钱已经流入了郭文贵的私人口袋。诸位喜币投资者们,又是一出悲剧在上演,尔等又钻入了郭文贵设置的连环套中,还是尽早举报为要。 号称已经上市却不能自由买卖,咄咄怪事,均在喜币这个幽灵身上闪现。周知,无论是上市交易的股票,还是现在市面上通行...