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发表于 : 2021年 2月 17日 14:00

Re: VOG给GTV汇款了6100万,究竟哪些投资人的钱在这6100万里

发表于 : 2021年 2月 18日 06:15

Re: VOG给GTV汇款了6100万,究竟哪些投资人的钱在这6100万里

发表于 : 2021年 2月 19日 05:15
Can you post this in english?

Re: VOG给GTV汇款了6100万,究竟哪些投资人的钱在这6100万里

发表于 : 2021年 2月 22日 18:13
Truth 写了: 2021年 2月 17日 14:00 GTV私募,VOG收到1.17亿后给GTV汇款了6100万,究竟哪些投资人的钱在这6100万里?这是昨天争吵最严重的问题。有些人希望自己的钱还在VOG,而有些人则希望自己的钱已经到了GTV。关于这个问题我作为有诉讼经验的非专业人员有以下观点,麻烦律师确认一下是否正确:
Translation of the questions above:

For GTV private placement, VOG received around 117 million in total, among which 61 million was sent to GTV(Miles Guo), and 46 million was hold by Sara (VOG). My question is: which investors' money is in the 61 million? This was the most contentious issue in yesterday’s discussion.

Some people want their money to still be hold by VOG, while others want their money to be with GTV. on this issue I have the following views as a lay person with litigation experience, and I would like to ask the lawyers to confirm whether they are correct.

1, since GTV's private placement through VOG is clearly in violation and has failed, GTV is obligated to return the $61 million to VOG, while Sara (VOG) are obligated to ensure that the entire $117 million is returned.

2, The $61 million, at this time, is a refund owed to VOG by GTV. It does not correspond to any specific investor's money. Therefore, there is no so-called itemized account to prove whose money is in the 61 million.

3. If there are investors who do not trust VOG but trust GTV more and want their money to be transferred to GTV by VOG instead of having VOG enforce the refund. Then the feasible legal action is debt restructuring. If an investor who has invested $10,000 makes such a request, VOG can sign an agreement with the investor, assigning the $10,000 debt VOG holds against GTV to the investor and offsetting the $10,000 debt it owes to the investor. VOG then sends a notice to GTV informing it of this debt restructuring. At this point, the investor's debt relationship with VOG is discharged and the investor can claim the debt directly against GTV.

Re: VOG给GTV汇款了6100万,究竟哪些投资人的钱在这6100万里

发表于 : 2021年 2月 22日 18:38
Truth 写了: 2021年 2月 17日 14:00 GTV私募,VOG收到1.17亿后给GTV汇款了6100万,究竟哪些投资人的钱在这6100万里?这是昨天争吵最严重的问题。有些人希望自己的钱还在VOG,而有些人则希望自己的钱已经到了GTV。关于这个问题我作为有诉讼经验的非专业人员有以下观点,麻烦律师确认一下是否正确:
Translation to English

Personal suggestions to 闰土 by Truth:

1, divorce your wife, send your wife and children back home. There are two reasons, one is not to drag the family; two is to see how the domestic situation is handled. Because there is news that donations to the legal fund, investment in GTV was tea, was sentenced to imprisonment.
2, Enter into the United States. First courtesy and then military. Judicial process go through. Go to the New York prosecutor's office to report. Find a free lawyer to submit a complaint. Follow up translation work VOG volunteers can help do.

3, buy a tent to the 18th floor stationed under. Open a live cell phone, watching the people who enter and leave the 18th floor every day. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of services to the public. Find out where Wang Pappa (Miles’s female assistant) lives, where Lu Da-head (Miles partner who makes life by self-media) lives, where Dr. Limeng Yan lives, where Steve Bannon, Kyle Bass, Giuliani (all Miles’s current or previous partners) lives. Find out where Bannon's fighting room is; where Kyle Bass 's office is, and what make of car they drive. Print these fraudulent gangs into protest signs. Collect money to collect debts.

4, contact the domestic Guo owes money to the company, contract debt collection business. Five knives a day to help collect debts, find 10 such companies is enough to cover your living expenses.

5, learn the Falun Gong to engage in performance art, hanging self-immolation la. The more sensational the better. Attract the attention of the media. The police will say that the United States does not care about justice, only this can be done.

6, on the dark web, these people into a reward target.

Re: VOG给GTV汇款了6100万,究竟哪些投资人的钱在这6100万里

发表于 : 2021年 2月 26日 05:20
I'm not entirely sure that this translated properly. Either that or it isn't a post that is supposed to be on this chat. Please advise.

Re: VOG给GTV汇款了6100万,究竟哪些投资人的钱在这6100万里

发表于 : 2024年 2月 18日 15:10

Re: VOG给GTV汇款了6100万,究竟哪些投资人的钱在这6100万里

发表于 : 2024年 3月 2日 11:10